The Model of the World - Museum of Art Zhangzhou China

enter image description here Suspension Landscape After the Drought: Camera Views. 2018 Single Channel Video 17:44

The Model of the World Zhangzhou China

IEA and T+H gallery have been selected to represent the United States in this International show in the newly built Museum of Art in Zhangzhou, Fujian Province. The Model of the World, will have twenty-five Alfred participants comprised of IEA artists, faculty, students and alumni whom have been selected by the curators to participate in this extraordinary exhibition...

The Chinese title directly translates to, World view and Viewing the world. The first part called “World View”, generally refers to the meaning that the creation of each artist represents one attitude, or one perspective. These are different worlds between artists as well as different world views. The second part called “Viewing the World”, which indicates personal experiences of the local people in Zhangzhou and all audiences from different places on the planet. Due to different nationalities of the artists, it presents the peripheral view of contemporary art, in the meantime, it explains “perceive the world in the palm of the hand” from Zhu Xi.

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